MCHS Executive

2024/25 Board of Directors

President: Celia Hunter
Treasurer: Rosemary Bushell
Director: Karla Buckborough
Director: Dan Bourgeois
Director: Alex Bushell
Director: John Colver
Director: Lance Nachoff
Director: Peter Ramsay

MCHS Administration

Genealogy/Archives: Kim McLeod
Membership: Rosemary Bushell
Website Administrator: Bruce Gazley
Facebook: Bruce Gazley, Celia Hunter
Communications: Celia Hunter, Dan Bourgeois

Our Constitution

The Millbrook and Cavan Historical Society is committed to preserving the stories and the artifacts, manuscripts and photographs that illustrate the history of Millbrook, Cavan and the surrounding area in south central Ontario (Canada) for present and future generations.  It also seeks to inspire interest in the value of local history by keeping the stories alive.

As the Millbrook & Cavan Historical Society, we respectfully acknowledge that the properties described here are located on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.

The Millbrook & Cavan Historical Society respectfully acknowledges that the Williams Treaties First Nations are the stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters in perpetuity, and that they continue to maintain this responsibility to ensure their health and integrity for generations to come.

View our Constitution document

Location of our Collection

Visit the Millbrook and Cavan Historical Society Archives at CMLibraries - Millbrook Branch

We are grateful for the ongoing support of the staff and board of Cavan Monaghan Libraries for housing our archives in the upstairs of the CMLibraries - Millbrook Branch. Please contact us with your questions about the people, places, and events that make up Cavan Monaghan's history. Our archivist is available on request.

CMLibraries FB page

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